Genealogy Data Page 20 (Notes Pages)

Cheseldyne, Kenelm (b. 1640, d. 1 DEC 1708)

Note: Kenelm Cheseldyne, a second son, had extensive legal training and practiced law in England before emigrating to the New World. He arrived in Maryland in 1669 as a free adult and was living in St. Mary's County by 1677. He was admitted to practice in the Provincial Court in 1670 and in the Chancery Court a few years later. He was soon one of the province's leading attorneys.

He served in the lower house of the legislature 1676-1682, 1686-1688, 1689-1690, 1692-1693, 1694-1697, and 1701-1704, frequently as Speaker of the House. He served in the upper house from 1704 to 1708. He was Attorney General of Maryland from 1676 to 1681, but his friendship with John Coode cost him the proprietor's favor and the attorney-generalship. He became an opponent of the proprietor and a leader of the Protestant Association's government, which he represented in England in 1690-91. From 1693 to 1699 he was Commissary General. According to A Biographical Dictionary of the Maryland Legislature, 1635-1789, he was dismissed from that post in 1697 for drunkenness and negligence, but continued to serve anyway.

At his death his personal estate was appraised at £259/9/6 pounds, including twelve slaves and his law books. He held at that time 683 acres.
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Papenfuse
Title: Edward C. Papenfuse, et al, A Biographical Dictionary of the Maryland L
egislature, 1635-1789 (Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Pr
ess, 1979, 1985)
egislature, 1635-1789
egislature, 1635-1789. Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Pr
ess, 1979, 1985.
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Beitzell
Title: Edwin Warfield Beitzell, The Cheseldine Family (Washington, D.C., n.p.
, 1949)
, 1949.
Given Name: Kenelm
Death: 1 DEC 1708
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Lyman, John (b. 16 SEP 1623, d. 20 AUG 1690)
Note: John Lyman was living in Northampton, Massachusetts, as early as 1654, when he was one of five appointed to erect a meeting house. The following year he was appointed way warden and surveyor of ways (the equivalent of highway superintendant). In 1660 and 1675 he was elected townsman. In 1661 he was constable and signed the church covenant. He held a number of other town offices during his life. He was made a freeman in 1662.

In 1666 he was made ensign and at the battle of Turner's Falls in King Philip's War he commanded the Northampton men.

He moved to Northfield in 1688.

His tombstone reads

Dyed Avst
the 20th 1690

Lt. John Lyman and Dorcas Plumb are the 5th great grandparents of President Franklin Roosevelt.
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Flagg
Title: Ernest Flagg, The Founding of New England (The Case, Lockwood & Brainar
d Co., Hartford, Connecticut, 1926)
d Co., Hartford, Connecticut, 1926.
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Anderson
Title: Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New E
ngland 1620-1633 (Boston, Massachusetts: New England Historical and Gen
ealogical Society, 1995)
ngland 1620-1633
ngland 1620-1633. Boston, Massachusetts: New England Historical and Gen
ealogical Society, 1995.
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Hibbard
Title: Hibbard, A. G., History of the Town of Goshen, Connecticut: with Geneal
ogies and Biographies (Hartford, Connecticut: The Case, Lockwood, and B
rainard Company, 1897)
ogies and Biographies
gies and Biographies. Hartford, Connecticut: The Case, Lockwood, and Br
ainard Company, 1897.
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestors of American Presidents
Title: Compiled by Gary Boyd Roberts, Ancestors of American Presidents (Santa C
larita, California: C. Boyer 3rd, in cooperation with the New England H
istoric Genealogical Society, 1995.)
larita, California: C. Boyer 3rd, in cooperation with the New England H
istoric Genealogical Society, 1995.
Given Name: John
Death: 20 AUG 1690 Probably Northfield, Massachusetts
Change: Date: 9 Feb 2003

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Plumb, Dorcas (b. ABT 1635, d. 21 APR 1725)
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Flagg
Title: Ernest Flagg, The Founding of New England (The Case, Lockwood & Brainar
d Co., Hartford, Connecticut, 1926)
d Co., Hartford, Connecticut, 1926.
Page: p. 176
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestors of American Presidents
Title: Compiled by Gary Boyd Roberts, Ancestors of American Presidents (Santa C
larita, California: C. Boyer 3rd, in cooperation with the New England H
istoric Genealogical Society, 1995.)
larita, California: C. Boyer 3rd, in cooperation with the New England H
istoric Genealogical Society, 1995.
Given Name: Dorcas
Death: 21 APR 1725
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Lyman, Richard (b. BEF 30 OCT 1580, d. Probably 1641)
Note: Richard Lyman is the progenitor of the vast Lyman clan in this country. He was a substantial tenant farmer in the Parish of High Ongar in Essex, holding more than twenty-seven acres. He surrendered these leaseholds apparently in Sep 1631, shortly before emigrating to America.

In the middle of August, 1631, he embarked on the ship Lion, leaving from Bristol. On board the same ship was John Eliot, the Apostle to the Indians. He settled in Roxbury, where John Eliot was the minister, and became a freeman on Jun 11 1633. He apparently began life in this country as a man of what one contemporary called "considerable estate" and he is known to have kept two servants. In 1636 he moved to Hartford.

John Eliot wrote of him that "he came to N.E. in the 9th month 1631. He brought children Phillis, Richard, Sarah, John. He was an ancient Christian but weake, yet after some time of tryal and quickening he joyned to the church. When the great removall was made to Connecticut he also went and underwent much affliction, for, going toward winter, his cattle were lost in driving & some never found again, and the winter being could & ill-provided, he was sick & melancholy, yet after he had some revivings through God's mercy and dyed in the year 1640."

He was an original proprietor of Hartford and his name is on the Founders Monument in that city.
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Flagg
Title: Ernest Flagg, The Founding of New England (The Case, Lockwood & Brainar
d Co., Hartford, Connecticut, 1926)
d Co., Hartford, Connecticut, 1926.
Page: P. 208
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: TAG
Title: The American Genealogist
Page: Vol. 30 (1954), pp. 187-190
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Lyman
Title: Coleman, Lyman, Genealogy of the Lyman Family in Great Britain and Amer
ica (Albany, New York: J. Munsell 1872)
ica. Albany, New York: J. Munsell 1872.
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Anderson
Title: Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New E
ngland 1620-1633 (Boston, Massachusetts: New England Historical and Gen
ealogical Society, 1995)
ngland 1620-1633
ngland 1620-1633. Boston, Massachusetts: New England Historical and Gen
ealogical Society, 1995.
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Hibbard
Title: Hibbard, A. G., History of the Town of Goshen, Connecticut: with Geneal
ogies and Biographies (Hartford, Connecticut: The Case, Lockwood, and B
rainard Company, 1897)
ogies and Biographies
gies and Biographies. Hartford, Connecticut: The Case, Lockwood, and Br
ainard Company, 1897.
Given Name: Richard
Death: Probably 1641
Change: Date: 12 Apr 2003

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----------, Sarah (b. , d. Probably 1642)
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: TAG
Title: The American Genealogist
Text: The Mother of Richard Lyman of Hartford, Connecticut, Vol. 30 (1954), pp. 187-190.
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Anderson
Title: Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New E
ngland 1620-1633 (Boston, Massachusetts: New England Historical and Gen
ealogical Society, 1995)
ngland 1620-1633
ngland 1620-1633. Boston, Massachusetts: New England Historical and Gen
ealogical Society, 1995.
Given Name: Sarah
Death: Probably 1642 Hartford, Connecticut
Change: Date: 9 Feb 2003

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Plumb, John (b. 28 JUL 1594, d. JUL 1648)
Note: John Plumb came from the minor gentry of Essex and received Ridgewell Hall from his father. He is known to have been living there in 1634 for he is listed in the Visitation of Essex of that year. He first appears in the records of Connecticut in Sep 1636.

In 1637 he was a member of the General Court. He fought in the Pequot War and it is likely that it was his ship that was used in the expedition. He traded regularly with the Indians up and down the Connecticut River and owned more than one ship for that purpose. He was appointed to attend to the clearence of vessels at Weathersfield, because his house was near the water. In 1637 he was appointed to the commission designated by Massachusetts to govern Connecticut. He held several town offices in Weathersfield and was a member of the General Court, on and off, until 1644.

In that year he moved to Branford and sold his land in Weathersfield, consisting of thirteen parcels from two to 204 acres in size. He was appointed town clerk of Branford and held that office until his death.
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: TAG
Title: The American Genealogist
Text: "John Plumb of Connecticut and His Cousin Deputy Governor Samuel Symonds of Massachusetts," by Clifford L. Stott. Vol. 70, Nos. 2 and 3 (April and July 1995), pp.65-74, 149-155.
Given Name: John
Death: JUL 1648 Branford, Connecticut
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----------, Dorothy (b. , d. AFT 1669)
Given Name: Dorothy
Death: AFT 1669
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Lyman, Henry (b. 1552, d. BEF 4 MAY 1605)
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: TAG
Title: The American Genealogist
Page: Vol. 30 (1954), pp. 187-190
Given Name: Henry
Death: BEF 4 MAY 1605
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Leete, John (b. 1639, d. 25 NOV 1692)
Given Name: John
Death: 25 NOV 1692 Guilford, Connecticut
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Chittenden, Mary (b. 1647, d. 9 MAR 1712/13)
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Flagg
Title: Ernest Flagg, The Founding of New England (The Case, Lockwood & Brainar
d Co., Hartford, Connecticut, 1926)
d Co., Hartford, Connecticut, 1926.
Page: p. 295.
Given Name: Mary
Death: 9 MAR 1712/13 Guilford, Connecticut
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Abbott, George (b. ABT 1602, d. 30 MAR 1647)
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: NEHGS/Register
Title: New England Historical and Genealogical Society Register
Page: 1931:pp.79-84
Given Name: George
Death: 30 MAR 1647 Rowley, Massachusetts
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Farnum, Ralph (b. ABT 1603, d. BEF 1648)
Note: Ralph Farnum and Alice ---------- are the 9th great grandparents of President Gerald Ford.
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Ancestors of American Presidents
Title: Compiled by Gary Boyd Roberts, Ancestors of American Presidents (Santa C
larita, California: C. Boyer 3rd, in cooperation with the New England H
istoric Genealogical Society, 1995.)
larita, California: C. Boyer 3rd, in cooperation with the New England H
istoric Genealogical Society, 1995.
Given Name: Ralph
Death: BEF 1648 Andover, Massachusetts
Change: Date: 9 Feb 2003

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----------, Alice (b. BEF 1607)
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: American Presidents
Title: Roberts, Gary Boyd, Ancestors of American Presidents
Given Name: Alice
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Abbott, Thomas (b. ABT 1628)
Given Name: Thomas
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Abbott, Neheniah (b. ABT 1632)
Given Name: Neheniah
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Abbott, Thomas (b. ABT 1634)
Given Name: Thomas
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Backus, William (b. 30 NOV 1634, d. 1721)
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Tucker
Title: Communication with Timothy W. Tucker, 11/15/96, in Backus file
Given Name: William
Death: 1721 Norwich, Connecticut
Change: Date: 9 Feb 2003

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Pratt, Elizabeth (b. 1641, d. 1730)
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Tucker
Title: Communication with Timothy W. Tucker, 11/15/96, in Backus file
Given Name: Elizabeth
Death: 1730
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Backus, Joseph (b. MAR 1690/91)
Given Name: Joseph
Change: Date: 9 Feb 2003

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Backus, Ann (b. 27 JAN 1694/95)
Given Name: Ann
Change: Date: 9 Feb 2003

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